Monday, November 3, 2008

Kindred Spirits

I am so excited that the Yuval Ron Ensemble is coming to Houston! Although we use some of their beautiful, intoxicating music in the Al Andalus Project, I have never had the chance to meet them or to hear them live.

Now is the chance...for me, and for you, too! They peform a concert at the Jewish Community Center's Kaplan Theatre this Saturday, November 8th, at 8:00pm.

It was an exciting moment when our Music Director, Sharon Joy, discovered the Yuval Ron website. Here was a composer and a music ensemble that are dedicated to bringing people together in peace through the music traditions of Islam, Judaism and Christianity! How in line with Dancepatheatre and especially with our Al Andalus Project is that?! Their music focuses on particular regions and eras, and naturally Al Andalus is one of them. On top of that, there are two dancers who sometimes join the ensemble: a Sufi; and Maya Karrasso (see below), who blends various styles of Oriental dance. Even more alignment with us and with my Modern-Andalusian Fusion class!

Even before that moment of discovering his website, Sharon and I knew that Yuval Ron was a kindred spirit. He composed the music for the Academy Award winning independent short film, West Bank Story. A spoof of West Side Story (as you may have guessed), this hilarious and brilliant work pokes fun at everyone equally, and makes you laugh till your sides split. The music is just perfect, and is integral to both the film's effectiveness and its hilarity.

Sharon had already obtained a DVD of West Bank Story and used it in her peace-making work with Houston's Palestinian-Jewish Dialogue group that she founded and facilitates. (Yes, even though she now lives in Louisisana, Sharon travels to Houston each month to contnue her work with the group. That's dedication!) I watched it twice before the film was honored with the Academy Award. So we already loved the work of Yuval Ron before we knew about his greater body of work.

When Sharon told me about the website, I heard some of the music, and all of this came together, it was an exciting moment! And when Yuval granted permission for us to use selections of his music for the Al Andalus Project, it was a joyous moment!

For those of you who saw the August, 2007 version of Al Andalus! The Legend, Yuval Ron's music accompanies some of the highlights of the production including: the men's duet with the Botany Codex; the "good news duet" when Shaprut stops Fatima from fleeing Cordoba; the opening of the Act II with various mystical traditions portrayed in dance.

Besides the upcoming Saturday night concert, another highlight of the Yuval Ron Ensemble is Maya Karrasso's Belly Dance Master Class on Friday, November 7th, 4:30-6:00pm, also at the JCC. You bet your belly I'm going to be there taking it!

I hope to see you at one of these uplifting events. Till then,


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Storms, Art, and Humans

Now that everyone has power again, I’m taking a break from writing about the Al Andalus Project to reflect for a bit about Ike. Here’s my story, and here are my post-Ike thoughts.

I live in Montrose with my partner Tom Yeager in a nearly hundred-year-old house. Tom had just spent two years restoring the original storm shutters; we used them, and they worked. There were still many shutter-less windows and our wood supply was short, so Tom got creative and used ladders and whatever we had to block as much glass from our pecan trees as possible. We came through unscathed…no broken glass, antique or new. Our papaya tree is now a headless stick in the yard and the pecan tree was brutally pruned, but our hundred-year-old Canary Island Palm is still standing tall.

It was a scary night in a noisy house, and we kept getting up and running up and downstairs checking out the bangs and clangs, never really sleeping. Our final power loss came at 5:30am.

The next morning, we walked through the drizzling mist to see teams of neighbors moving foliage debris out of a neighbor’s yard and out of the sewer. Streets were un-passable due to the mass of tree limbs and scattered branches, just like all the streets in Ike’s path. There were those uprooted trees lying in yards and streets or resting on a crushed fence or part of a roof, scenes that we all saw. But the people I encountered were smiling. We were alive. One couple was distraught that, although they had fine coffee beans, they could not use the grinder without power; they suffered from custom coffee withdrawal. Tom and I – non-coffee drinkers – were amused and amazed.

Living without electricity put us on a dawn-to-dusk schedule and wondering what to do in the evenings without our usual activity crutches and demands. We ended up having a jam session on our piano and percussion instruments, something we had not indulged in for years. I spent another evening drafting an essay by candle light…by hand with a pen, like back in the old days. It made me wonder how much more creative I might be if our community were power-free every night, unable to work at the computer or watch television.

In those days of refrigerator self-defrosting, Tom and I cooked up large batches of food on our gas stove and propane-fueled backyard grill, and packed it up in our car along with plates, napkins and plastic-ware. I thought we would drive to the bridge where homeless people live, but we never made it out of Montrose. Whenever we saw someone walking or sitting on their porch who looked hungry, we stopped and asked. Then we opened up the back of the car and served up a plate. We returned home without any leftovers. There were plenty of hungry people here in Montrose those days.

Like many others, our best way of getting the news was to make a cell phone call to someone out of town. We didn’t want to waste our radio batteries listening to the many hours of other people’s hurricane stories that were airing, but regular scheduling was suspended for those stations that were still in business, so we didn’t know when to tune in for the news. It was quite frustrating. We had no idea what was happening in the rest of the country or the world.

We were among the luckiest: no house damage, minimal foliage loss, and our power came back on that first Monday evening. But many of our neighbors remained in the dark for weeks. So one neighbor spent much of each day at our house on his laptop and powering up in the air conditioning, and a college student moved in for a couple of weeks. When the power first came on and we were able to see the news, the sad scenes of Galveston and Boliver were shocking and grief-inducing.

With electricity restored, I lurched into action at my computer. And that is when I discovered that it didn’t really matter that I now had electricity because so many other people didn’t, and so many businesses were closed, that I couldn’t really accomplish anything anyway. Couldn’t re-set postponed performances and rehearsals. Couldn’t find out if certain people were okay. Couldn’t plan meetings or set calendar dates. Couldn’t effectively work on fundraising. Couldn’t teach classes at studios without power. Couldn’t get students to come to classes at studios with power. It was so weird. Everything was back to normal at my house, but it was like living in a twilight zone.

As a member of Houston’s dance community I grieved that Dance Source Houston’s two annual weekends of dance at Miller Outdoor Theatre were cancelled. But many other performing groups were set back as well, including Dancepatheatre. On the heels of Ike came the tremors of the national – now global – economic disaster, never good news for the arts which feel the effects of such conditions sooner, deeper and longer than most segments of society. Performing arts are ethereal…here for a moment, gone forever. In uncertain economic times, people find security in things tangible and seemingly stable.

During the final week of the power restoration process for Houston, I left on a long-planned trip with family members to North Carolina and Vermont. It felt awkward and naughty…everyone was about to get reconnected and I would have my chance to forge ahead in getting Dancepatheatre back on track, but I would be off on a relaxing trip instead. (I actually ended up doing some work from my brother’s computer.)

But there’s something about walking through the woods in rural Vermont when the trees are in their finest fall colors; when red, orange and florescent yellow leaves rain down on you and your leaf-covered path as a breeze shakes the branches; that sets your head straight. The smells of the cool, misty woods wash away the urgency of urban profaneness, and remind you that you are one of the human animal species expressing yourself as human animals do on the glorious planet Earth.

The storm came to Houston and changed our lives, for some more than for others. Now a different kind of storm is spreading across the globe and will change our lives further, for some more than for others. For us artists, it’s an opportunity to stretch our creativity to the max as we surf the waves that we can’t predict in detail but know are coming. To be sure, many artists will give up and find other ways to support themselves. Others will alter the course of their careers in ways they could never have imagined, for better or for worse. Large, established performing companies may only have to downsize for a few years, while others will go under.

But whatever happens, I like to remember what I remembered walking in the Vermont woods: that we are human animals, living on the planet Earth. And this makes me happy. Like the other animals, it is exquisitely good to joyfully play while we’re in our bodies on the planet. Everything else is culture that human animals make up, and it’s best not to get too bogged down in the little details of that or to give it so much importance that we forget that we are animals on the planet.

Creating art and enjoying art are ways of playing, ways of connecting to our animal-on-the-Earth selves. I don’t know what form the changes that I will choose will take as the global situation unfolds, but I find my commitment renewed to continue finding ways to create, perform, enjoy and play. Solutions to crises lie somewhere in remembering our identity as joyful animals – who posses the amazing gift of being able to re-invent culture - on this wondrous planet Earth.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Legend Continues...

Leah Bauer as Fatima of Cordoba and Alex Abarca as Hasdai Ibn Shaprut in the August, 2007 workshop performance of Al Andalus! The Legend.

Sorry, I took a ten month break from blog writing. I’m back to it again.

While I wasn’t blog writing, some things happened to the Al Andalus Project. It got extended. It is now a multi-year project. We realized that this endeavor is so very big…B-I-G, that we needed a few more years to let it ferment and grow artistically. Conveniently, this also allows us to do the fundraising in smaller chunks. Although the chunks are still fairly big. It’s all relative.

Let’s back up so I can catch you up. If you read the first blog, you already know that Phase I culminated in a workshop performance of Al Andalus! The Legend a year ago. Phase II began in 2008 with the Dance Styles of Al Andalus Workshop in January, a tour to Louisiana in March, a presentation at SIETAR Houston in April, and finished with a duet performance in the BRDF in June.

Teachers of the Dance Styles of Al Andalus Workshop in January, 2008. From left to right: Ady Fisberg, Sara Draper, Lucia Rodriguez-Sanchez, Maria Ferdandez Urbaez.

The Dance Styles of Al Andalus Workshop at University of Houston featured our project consultants Ady Fisberg teaching Sephardic folk dance and Lucia Rodriguez-Sanchez teaching flamenco. Maria Fernandez Urbaez taught Middle Eastern dance. All of this was followed by my debut offering of a new style that I’m developing, Modern Andalusian Fusion. (Since that time I’ve offered this master class at NSU in Louisiana and at American College Dance Festival in Texas. I am offering a Modern Andalusian Fusion workshop in Houston this fall…visit for details.) The Dance Styles workshop was attended by enthusiastic participants (as were the master classes) and we all had a wonderful time.

In April, Dr. Sharon Joy (Music Director of the Al Andalus Project) and I gave a multi-media lecture presentation to SIETAR (Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research) in Houston titled, Al Andalus! The Legend: Then and Now, Spain and Houston. We gave a summary of the project and offered insights of cross-cultural awareness that unfolded for us during our work with our multi-cultural team of artists, musicians, translators, and scholars.

In June, Leah Bauer and Richard Hubscher performed the love duet choreographed to the soul-wrenching Sephardic song, Dame La Mano recorded by Alhambra, the ensemble of our consultant Isabelle Ganz. This presentation was part of the Dance Gathering, an event in the annual BRDF (Big Range Dance Festival).

Backstage at the recital hall at NSU. From left to right: Khaled Al Jamal, Linda Gomez, Kristina Koutsoudas, Leah Bauer, Jonathan Gutierrez.

The highlight of Phase II was the March Al Andalus Tour to Northwestern State University in Natchitoches, Louisiana. Consultant/performers Kristina Koutsoudas and Khaled Al Jamal, along with dancers Leah Bauer, Linda Gomez and Jonathan Gutierrez accompanied me to NSU. Sharon is a Music Education faculty member there and served as our tour coordinator. Kristina and I taught master classes in Middle Eastern dance and Modern Andalusian Fusion to students in the dance program. Khaled taught master classes in Middle Eastern music to percussion students and another to strings students. Sharon and I did the lecturing in a lecture-demonstration that included our dancers, Khaled and Sharon. They performed numbers from our production that included segments of multi-lingual narration and a slide show of Andalusian architecture. The performance and master classes were enthusiastically received. This was a rewarding endeavor that we may repeat on other campuses in the future.

Speaking of the future, we now foresee a Phase III, a Phase IV, and even a Phase V to the Al Andalus Project. I'll give you more details as we go along, but the main idea is that we’re going to work our way up to our pinnacle production over time. Meanwhile, I’ll be offering Modern Andalusian Fusion classes to dancers who want to train in this style, and it looks like some additional, interesting Al Andalus Project events will continue to pop up along the way. I hope that you will journey with us throughout the length of this discovery and creation-filled path!